Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's and additional reasons they Suck

Well I'm going to try and blog regularly, I am really going to do it; for a few reasons one I believe it will be therapeutic I need to purge the other Well who cares but if you visit you may find a few nuggets possibly polished or perhaps you will just find the rantings of a mad man from another planet? who knows. So Mondays suck but its particular Monday really sucks teh forecast calls for days of rain heavy at times with flood advisory great! followed by Freezing and Snow what a great glacial wonderland that will make. So I am stuck here in my soon to be ice house with the thought that most guys probably think the others wife is the worst women on the planet, I came to this conclusion because of a few reasons one A good friend of mine is packing up and moving away, Far away, as far away as Australia for example and the only thing that has brought its sudden change to be is the fact that his wife has always talked about moving great because her friends live where they are moving too, WOW when you should be thinking about retirement planning and settling down No, No move to another country and start over..... yeah makes much sense, Sorry my Buddy good luck seriously Much good luck and fortune, I hope everything works out, I would be more happy for you if it was actually your decision and choice. Don't watch the Cooking Channel after dinner its Counter Intuitive, I have to stop my blog here I'm hungry
Damn it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I quit, I quit, I quit! If I say it 3 times is it so?

So I am ready for the next big change in my life, along with new years must come change so I feel I should start it off on the right foot and Delete my Facebook Account I just watched a CNBC the Facebook Obsession Documentary and I am pretty much convinced that it is the next step
Two of the books mentioned during the show I would like to look up and they are
Mark Bauerlein The Dumbest Generation and
What the Internet is doing to our brains The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
Along with MSG and aspertane Sounds like its going to be a year of healthier, mental and physical change, sound body and mind, wish me luck heres the link that comvinced me to change my diet.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Late Night Hilarity

IMHO All the late night guys (Letterman, Leno, Obrien and the punk kid from SNL) SUCK! horribly and could be used for sedation prior to Oral Surgery they are that mind numbing. I feel for the 7 to 14 million viewers they keep talking about in the 11:30 slot that are forced to watch that drivel Only because they do not ...have satelite nor cable My 2 Cents remember Chuckles; Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and Mr Wick Here from Drew Carry LOL Craig Ferguson Are the funniest line up at that time, Again I am an insomniac So I should know LOL Jimmy Kimmel can keep Pumping out funny stuff for the pot heads they usually pass out while watching him and don't know him by name anyways they still call him the man show guy. And don't know why the skinny guy is not there? And are still waiting for the girls on trampolines. Someone mentioned Carson Daily WOW does that guy need better representation who got him that contract ? Carson Who? OK Got that off my chest nothing to see here move along, move along. The only thing worse than Them is The CBC LOL JK, no Really! Psyche! No Really JK.